Sunday, May 1, 2011

12th Life Drawing POST

Almost to then end with my twelfth post for Life Drawing.  I was gone for one day but from what I can tell we’ve been drawing a lot of face and head type things the last couple weeks.  Which is fine with me because I feel that I lack skill and/or practice to add definite personality to the people I draw.  For class this last week we talked about the importance and shape of the ear.  When Amy demonstrated how to draw the basic shape of the ear she used straighter lines on the ear to show angles and turning points that I would have usually just rounded off.  Pointing out where these points on the edge of the ear are has really helped added definition to the faces I draw.  I also never knew how exactly the ‘swirls’ of the inner ear went around until Amy showed us in class.  This has also helped me understand what the basic look of the ear should most likely be.  Also I have been using plainer structures to help draw and map out my sketches.  I have been doing a few warm up sketches before working a larger drawing.  I think that the gesture drawings are becoming more and more necessary to my drawings because they help me map out and get used to the shape of whatever it is I’m drawing.  The gesture drawings I do are mostly involving the basic shape of the skull and the vertical dividing line on the face, and most times I throw in the lips and eyes and a quick curve for the ear and just a few quick scratches for the nose.  I have been blocking in small doses of value to help find the plains of the face.

1 comment:

  1. The lecture on the ear was super interesting.. I've actually never sat and thought about how complicated the ear is until she started listing off all the specific parts, kinda ridiculous if you think about it. It's also true that gesture drawings really help you, sometimes they aggravate me because I just want to start drawing, but I've found that when I don't give them my all or do enough of them my long drawings don't turn out as well.
